i'm trying to tie up loose ends at work before friday. i am lazy and unmotivated so there are always alot of loose ends. i often find stacks of bills i never sent out and hide them until eventually i throw them in the trash. tomorrow my boss and i have a super huge wedding that we are working on together. i got a really big tip in advance that can be my vacation money.
i haven't dont a single summery thing yet and it's almost September. yesterday i bought a bike rack for my moms car to use when max and i drive to CT on sunday. super psyched. riding bikes to the beach and thru town, bbqing, drinking on the deck, seafood shacks, dairy queen WHEEEE. i will be tan and have long fake pink nails, hopefully with palm trees on them.
on an unrelated note, last nite we rode our bikes over the wburg bridge and it was AWFUL how difficult it was for me. i had been expecting a very steep but short incline that would level out quickly. it was more like a slow, continual, painful death incline. the tops of my thighs were burning and i felt like i wasn't even getting anywhere. i was barely passing pedestrians at some points. i made it back obviously, but i felt like a douche. though i am not looking forward to the physical agony i really want to do it again until i improve. and next time maybe we'll stop at capones, get faced, eat pizza, and ride the L home.