Wednesday, October 17, 2007

a month with new camera phone

cream pie to face * deli cat * max/me/home * me/dog run/tompkins sq * cuddley dog/home * lobby/work * kruger/times sq *
kat/bday/beer garden/astoria * judas/home * lobster/me/celia's housewarming * me/taxi/work * puppy with fawn legs * valentine's bear * max/me/home * pretty yellow celia/stuy town * kitchen island * me/work * judas/home * max/me/sutton place * boxer/courtyard/work * rose teddy! * me/home * mr softie/union sq * judas/home * me/celia/7train

Monday, October 15, 2007

work has been craze. it's the busy season. this means my mistakes are even more frequent and closer together. kind of like contractions! could explain my recent massive weight gain.

i haven't been doing much of anything lately, besides working and watching law and order marathons. i like repetition. its just part of what makes me SO annoying.