an hour ago max and judas made a surprise visit and brought me a belated birthday present. now we're eating chinese and the dogs are begging. wheeeeeeeeeee. best monday in a while.

mr wonton, begging
j, weird boobs, g
sleeps with dog
me: did u hear that they discovered 125,000 apes that they didnt know lived?!?
Cecilia: omgg whatt
me: yes i guess in a more remote part of the congo. they thought this particular species of ape was down to 50k apes.
Cecilia: link meeee
me: but then they found estimated 125k more apes.
Cecilia: apes apes apes
i was pretty psyched to go try it BUT before i could even bother, liz's personal review suggested it might be a giant lame waste of $15. then i found a picture of it on flikr.